Thursday, 7 April 2011

question 8

we have come to an end, and i feel that i have gain so much knowledge on this overall experience with this course. i feel that i have gain knowledge on how to use the camera down to the editing rough cuts e.g live type, soundtrack, final cut pro.

From the beginning of the course i had no idea on how to edit or even shoot a film. when i did know have some understand if what to do. below are screen shots of our foot scenes from our first attempt with our prelim and our final foot scene. if you can see it is a complete contrast to how we originally planned to shoot it. the reason why we changed our minds on the type of shot to final use for the foot scene is because it look more professional and was less shaky. whereas when we film the prelim the person whop was actually doing the foot scene was recording themselves. we learnt that is best to have someone shoot whilst acting as it looks more professional and controlled.

prelim <<<

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